XOOPS Installation Guide

Horacio Salazar


Revision History
Revision 1.02003-12-30HS

The first revision of the installation guide


This document should describe the installation process of XOOPS.

Table of Contents

1. Preamble
2. Introduction
3. Folder permissions
4. General configuration
5. Path and URL
6. Database settings
7. Admin settings
8. Ready to go!

List of Figures

2.1. This is the welcome language selection page of the XOOPS Install Wizard
2.2. This explanatory page includes crucial information about things that need to be there for the install to work
3.1. The screen you get if the folder uploads/ is read only.
3.2. The screen you see if the folder cache/ is read only.
3.3. This is what you see if the folder templates_c is not writable.
3.4. When mainfile.php is not writable, you see this screen.
3.5. The screen you want to see, filled with green go ahead lights.
4.1. In this screen you'll capture the information to access your database.
4.2. If you can't connect to the MySQL server, you'll see this ugly message.
4.3. Beep! You've misspelled the path to your XOOPS installation. You better go back and correct it
4.4. You went a bit too far. Now you need to restart the installation.
4.5. This is just to make sure everything is right. If it isn't click on Back and correct things.
4.6. The data you entered have just been saved. All systems are Go!
5.1. The screen you want to see, with both paths correctly written.
5.2. Beep! You wrote an invalid URL in the Virtual Path field. Go back and correct it!
6.1. You have another chance to take a look at what you entered.
6.2. This is not a real error if you're installing locally. Just go ahead.
6.3. Wham! Everything was ok so you now have a blank database installed.
6.4. You are ready to install the tables that create your XOOPS site.
6.5. A lot happened here. You now have a table-populated database.
7.1. This is the form where you create your site's webmaster.
7.2. The program timed out! Probably a bad connection to the MySQL server.
7.3. Ooops! A typo occurred somewhere. Go Back and try again.
7.4. Your database tables have received their initial data. You're almost there!
8.1. Mission complete! Now you're ready for the task of configuring your brand new XOOPS site.