Chapter 1. Preamble

Please read this!

Welcome to this guide. Eventually this will grow into a full-fledged help file to assist you in any installation of XOOPS. For the moment, though, its scope is rather limited. As of this version, this guide only helps you if you're installing a new XOOPS site and if you already have a working environment ready. In other words, this guide is for the moment a grown sister of the INSTALL HTML document that ships with XOOPS. Sorry about that, but it's what we've been able to gather so far.

This document exists elsewhere in a pure HTML version. There, images are smaller, with the option to click on them and see larger versions of them. Here the image sizes are fixed, because we're in the process of learning to use the tools necessary to create stuff such as this guide. This also means that the present document will work better when seen using a screen resolution of 1024 x 768.

Sometime in the future, we'll have PDF, HLP, Word and other output versions of this guide. For the moment, we're testing our strength and our abilities to provide quick and dirty solutions to the most pressing problems.

The XOOPS Documentation Team is working to build several of these basic documents for all users to have a useful repository. But we've had little time to cover a lot of ground. So please be patient. It'll be worth your while.

Also, please take into account this specific document was written by a non-English born writer. English is my second language, so you may find the constructions a bit primitive. We'll proof-read everything with native English speakers for the final versions.

We welcome your comments, reviews, opinions and in general whatever feedback you can provide us to make this guide a better tool for other XOOPS users

Horacio Salazar