Chapter 8. Ready to go!

Time to rock'n'roll

What?! That's all? Yes! If you've done everything correctly, you'll be greeted with this screen:

Mission complete! Now you're ready for the task of configuring your brand new XOOPS site.

Figure 8.1. Mission complete! Now you're ready for the task of configuring your brand new XOOPS site.

You've finished the installation and, as the screen says, you can immediately go to your XOOPS site clicking on the link labeled HERE. You can also visit the XOOPS site.

This concludes the present guide. Did everything go well? Did you learn also some things additional about XOOPS? Have you any comments you wish to share with us? Please let us know your comments about this guide, about what we can do to improve it, about what we need to add to make it more useful and complete, and whatever you want to tell us (unless you're too fond of swearing: there are kids around here).

Please address all comments to . They will be well received. Honestly.