Installing Xoops

Note: This page is graphic intensive and may take a while to download

Web Hosting

At this stage it is assumed you have the required web host and domain name to install Xoops. If not see HERE for the Xoops requirements and some recommended web hosts.

File Transfer and CHMOD

To install xoops successfully the webmaster needs to know how to use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer the Xoops files to the host server. An ability to add permission levels to folders and files is also required. This permissions adding process is called CHMOD. Some folders and files need to be "writeable" to install Xoops. This gives Xoops the permission to write information to files on your server directly. During the install Xoops informs the user which folders and files needs to have writeable permissions added.

This is of course easy when you know how, but difficult if you don't. I would recommend first ensuring you have WinZip on your computer, or any other program that can unzip compressed "zip" format files.

To download WinZip click HERE

A very good program I use to transfer files by FTP is called SmartFTP. It is free for non-commercial use and also has some tutorials on the SmartFTP website. This program has a very good drag-and-drop facility.

To Download SmartFTP click HERE

CHMOD and File Transfer Tutorials

To Learn about SmartFTP and CHMOD permissions click HERE. This page has flash movie viewlets which demonstrate step-by-step how do do various file transfer tasks. Near the bottom of the page is a handy CHMOD flash video tutorial.

My web host has a number of flash movie tutorials which cover a wide area of skills, including using SmartFTP and other well known FTP programs. See HERE and look for the SmartFTP heading and click on "managing your files in SmartFTP".

Have a practice at uploading files and folders using drag and drop. Try using CHMOD commands on some files and folders. Please do the tutorials, without this skill you will be unable to install Xoops. Changing permissions on folders and files normally involves just right clicking on the file and choosing CHMOD or "Properties" depending on the FTP program being used.

Download Xoops

Of course the latest distribution of Xoops needs to be downloaded to your local computer, at the time of writing this was Xoops 2.0.6.To download Xoops click HERE If you are using a "zip" style compressor like WinZip, choose the "zip" download. The other format called tar.gz can be handled by WinZip too, but is not so easy to uncompress if you don't know how.

Unzip Xoops

Once Xoops is successfully downloaded "unzip" the Xoops files to a folder on your local computer. by double clicking on the Xoops "zip" icon, this is normally on your desktop. A dialogue box will appear, now click on "I agree", and then  "next" twice.

Now you can click on the "select different folder" button and click on the "desktop" icon, or type this in the top bar: C:\Windows\Desktop\myxoops. (assuming you are on windows). WinZip will create a folder called "myxoops" on your desktop and unzip the folders and files into it.  Doing it this way means you have easy access to your Xoops files from your desktop.

Do Not Upload Files Yet

It is important to upload the folders and files correctly using the correct structure. If you wish to have Xoops launch in the root of your web site you need to upload the files and folders contained in the HTML folder to your web root. Not the HTML folder itself. Installing to your web root means Xoops will launch as soon as visitors visit your web site. Forget about the other folders just now, Xoops is contained in the HTML folder. The other folders are just extras.

If using SmartFTP make sure it is set to "Automatic" for uploads and downloads. If you move your pointer over the icons at the top toolbar and hover over them one will give a hint which says "Auto". Next door is two icons called "ASCII" and "BINARY"; ASCII  is for text files, and BINARY is for image files. But if you are set to "AUTO" SmartFTP will automatically recognize which is which when you upload. SmartFTP normally defaults to this anyway.

You must also make sure SmartFTP is set to "preserve case". To check this out go to tools and settings. Then click on "Transfer" and ensure the defaults is "preserve case". If this is not set then Xoops will be unable to find paths to files. This is not as important on Windows servers, but it is on Unix servers.

Upload your Xoops Files

I am assuming you have studied the SmartFTP video tutorials, and you will know how to connect to your web server and drag and drop folders and files, and also change CHMOD permissions.

1. If using SmartFTP open up your local browser to show the folders and files in the HTML folder in your Xoops download. Double click this to open the folder up ready for drag and drop.

2. In the web server window, and If installing to your web root, your root folder will normally be in a folder called "public_html", double click this to open it up. Your web setup may be different, but your web host should have informed you where your root folder is.

3. Drag all the folders and files in the HTML folder up to your web server. You can multiple select files by holding down Ctrl or Shift on your keyboard. When it comes to folders I normally do them one at a time. Files can easily be multiple selected.

4. After uploading all the folders and files in the HTML folder to your root folder, double check visually if the folders and files are all there. Some folders contain many other folders, so I double check the matching folder structure in both screens to ensure all the folders and files are uploaded.

5.CHMOD. During the actual install Xoops will recognize which files and folders do not have the correct permissions, the files that need writeable permissions are:

  • "cache" folder (CHMOD 777)

  • "template_c" folder (CHMOD 777)

  • mainfile.php file (CHMOD  777) (this is changed back to 444 after install for security)

  • "uploads" folder (CHMOD 777)

Create your Database

To install Xoops you need a database to connect to allow Xoops to write the database tables it requires to function. To create a database you need to go to your control panel for your web account. Different hosts have different control panels, but many of them are similar in look and function. Your control panel will normally have an mySQL icon. Click on this and it will take you to a create database dialogue box. This should be quite intuitive, after you create your database and call it it a name, you will need to add a user name and password for this database. it is important to get this right, these details are needed for the install. Quite often though the initial user name will default to your web account name and your password will be your FTP password. If in doubt contact your web host.

My host has a flash video tutorial on how to do this for my control panel. See HERE and look for a Cpanel heading and click on "Creating a mySQL database"

Database Details you need:

  • Server name--normally called "localhost" your welcome email should tell you

  • Database name

  • Database user name (often the same as your web account username)

  • Database password (often the same as your FTP password)

Run the Xoops Installer

To Install Xoops type your domain name in your web browser i.e.

If your files have been uploaded correctly then the Xoops installer will run, and you will be presented with a number of install screens. Click on "Next" to the bottom right of each screen to proceed to the next..


1st Install Screen

Allows you to choose the default language. Defaults to English if you do not have the multi-language version, click "Next"

The screen below is the welcome screen with some useful information, click Next.

If you have not set your CHMOD permissions correctly you will get the screen below. The incorrect files will be marked in red. If this is the case go to your server and CHMOD the MARKED RED files or folders to CHMOD 777. After you have done that, click the "reload" button. After you Click Reload you should get the "Green" go ahead, if so click Next

The screen below is for your connection details. If any errors or failures appear later in the install, go back to this screen and make sure your details are correct.

The screen below is asking you to confirm your details are correct, if you are happy with this click Next. If your details are not correct click "Back" to go the the previous screen

The screen below is confirming that the above data has been written to the mainfile.php file in the root of you Xoops installation. Now click Next

The screen below is the check screen for your URL paths, if this is correct click Next. If not go back to the connection details screen

The screen below is double checking that your database connection details are correct before Xoops attempts to write the tables to you database. Click Next if correct, or Back if not correct.

If your database details are correct, Xoops will give the green go-ahead below. Click Next and Xoops will create the database tables.

The screen below is confirming that the Xoops database tables have been created, now click Next

This next install screen will ask you to enter your Xoops Administration username and password. This is important, make sure you remember these details or you will not get access to your Xoops administration.

The screen below is confirming that Xoops has written further entries to the database. Now click Next

Congratulations, you are finished. Your Xoops installation is complete. Now you can go to your Xoops admin and log in with your Admin username and password to set up your Xoops web site.


Now go to Preferences for tips on setting up your Xoops website.

Once Installed go to your site and login with your Xoops username and password, the administration link will appear on the user menu.

Quick Setup Tips: To set up your general site preferences let your mouse hover over the System Admin icon--then choose Preferences-> General Settings. In this section you set up your site name and other defaults like your default theme etc.

Then go back to System Admin-> Modules and install the modules you require like News, Forums, Contact, FAQ etc.

Next go to System Admin-> Blocks and set up your settings and positioning for the blocks

Then go to System Admin->Groups-> Anonymous users and set up the access permissions for modules and blocks-- just place a checkmark in the appropriate box for module access and block access. Permissions can also be set up for other groups, like registered users for example.



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