Xoops Preferences

Site Preferences

Once Installed go to your site and login with your Xoops username and password, the administration link will appear on the user menu, click this link to enter your site administration.

To set up your general site preferences go to System Admin Icon--then choose Preferences. You will see the following options:

General Settings

To set up your General Settings defaults go to System Admin Icon--then choose Preferences-->General Settings-->Edit. In this section you set up your site name and other defaults like your default theme.

A number of choices are available which are mostly intuitive, but I will focus on some settings you will use frequently, or may need some explanation..

General settings screen

Screen split into 4 parts. Click the thumbnails for a larger view

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Site name

This is the general name of your site. The title you choose here is the "Page Title" that will appear in the users browser, This title will also appear in any emails sent to users through the contact module etc.

Slogan for your site

This slogan will appear in themes which have the "Xoops slogan" coding added. It will also appear in descriptions in search engines like Google

Admin mail address

All admin emails and notifications will be sent to the address you specify here.

Default Language.

English only unless you have the Multi-Language version of Xoops.

Default Module for your start page

Module for your start page

If you have modules installed you can set up an automatic re-direct to any installed module. This will be the first module visitors are directed to when they visit your website. For example, if you wish users to see your News articles first, set "News" as your default start page module. If you set up "None" as default, then no module will launch. Visitors will only see the content of any Blocks you have set up to appear in the "Top Page". For example, you can set up custom center blocks containing HTML content or links, or use other blocks which are provided with existing modules.

Default theme

Xoops defaults to initially showing the "Default" theme. These theme files are stored in the www.yoursite.com/themes folder. Three themes come with Xoops, and you can change the default theme by changing the choice here. If you are logged in to Xoops your new default theme will not appear to change till you logout, or alternatively you can activate the "Themes" block and change your choice while logged in. For more about themes click Here

Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory?

If this option is enabled, module template .html files will be updated automatically if there are newer files under the themes/your theme/templates directory for the current theme. This should be turned off once the site goes public. Remember: If you are editing  the theme.html and style.css files in your themes folder and nothing appears to change, you must set this option to Yes

Selectable themes

Choose the themes that users can select as their default theme. When the "Themes" block is activated in System Admin--Blocks, the selection you choose here will appear in this theme changing block. Hold down Ctrl on your keyboard for multiple selection.

Default template set

Templates control the look and behaviors of individual modules. For example the News module has templates which control the output when news topics are displayed. For more about Templates see Here

General Settings (second part of screen)

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Username for anonymous users

The name chosen here will appear in the Xoops Newbb forum and comments for unregistered users if they are allowed to post while unregistered.

Use gzip compression?

Selecting Yes compresses the output and should increase the speed of web site performance.

Name for user cookies.

This cookie contains only a user name and is saved in a user pc for a year (if the user wishes, users can choose to activate this in their account profile.). If a user chooses to have this cookie, the username will be automatically inserted in the login box for each user.

Use custom session?

Use custom session

Select yes to customise session related values.

Yes No

Select Yes to customise session related values. This relates to the user login and whether Xoops remembers the user for future sessions to assist with quicker logins. The next two choices only apply when sessions are set to Yes

Session name

The name of session (Valid only when 'use custom session' is enabled) Leave at default or choose another name. Most users just use the default.

Session expiration

Maximum duration of session idle time in minutes (Valid only when 'use custom session' is enabled. Works only when you are using PHP4.2.0 or later.)

Debug mode

Several debug options. Xoops is setup to do blank pages if an error is causing a functional fault. Choose phpdebug if you are getting a blank page or other problem. Then go back to the blank page and see the error results. This helps to trace the source of problems. A running website should have this turned off.

For more troubleshooting tips see Here


General Settings (third part of screen)

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Activate banner ads?

This relates to any Banners set up in System Admin-->Banners. Set this to Yes to activate your banners

Turn your site off?

Select Yes to switch your site off, handy for site maintenance. When this is activated site visitors are greeted with a login box and a message stating that the site is closed. You can edit the message in the next box called Reason for turning off the site

Select groups that are allowed to access while the site is turned off.

Users in the default webmasters group are always granted access.

Your IP address

The IP address inserted here will not counted as impression for banners. You will need to find out your sites numerical IP address and insert it here.

Default Comment Display Mode

Default Comment Display Mode

Default Comments Display Order

If comments are activated for individual modules like "News" this setting determines whether the comment view defaults to flat, nested or threaded formats. This setting also sets the default view for the NewBB forums. If you wish the forums to default to "Flat" view then choose that view here.

Note: Users can also set their own default view in their account profile.

General Settings (fourth part of screen)

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Enable IP bans?

Users from specified IP addresses will not be able to view your site. This IP address is extracted from the users computer and ISP they are using. For example users who visit you site and post in the Forums have their users IP addresses revealed to the site admin, if you enter this IP address here this will forbid them from visiting viewing your site from the same IP address.

Module-wide Cache

Caches module contents for a specified amount of time to enhance performance. Setting module-wide cache will override module item level cache if any.


The Cache is a buffer that stores a snapshot on the server for quicker retrieval. These cache files are stored in the "cache" folder on your server. To manually delete the stored snapshot files in your cache folder reset this to "No Cache".

Note: While the cache for "News" is activated for example, you will not be able to see any new news articles until the cache time activation expires, or until you reset this to "No Cache".

Setting the cache for individual modules here will override any local cache settings set-up for individual modules.

User Info Settings

To set up your User preferences go to System Admin Icon--then choose Preferences. Then choose the following option and click Edit

User Info Settings [Edit]

1st part of user info screen

Much of this section is intuitive and relates to default settings for users that visit your site. I will focus on a few settings that may need further explanation.

Allow new user registration?

Select yes to accept new user registration

Yes No

This setting allows users to register an account on your website. If for some reason you wish to suspend user registration just set this to No

User passwords settings

Minimum length of password required

Minimum length of username required

Maximum length of username

When users attempt to register the above restrictions set here will be implemented

Allow users to change email address?

Yes No

This allows registered users to change their email address if they wish without any contact with admin.

Select group to which new user notification mail will be sent

Choose Webmasters for all webmasters to be notified when a new user registers. Choose registered users for all users to be notified.

Select activation type of newly registered users

If the above default is chosen then users will receive an activation email, and then the user will click a link provided in the email to activate their account.

Activate Automatically means the users will be able to register without having their email addresses confirmed

Select group to which activation mail will be sent

Valid only when 'Activation by administrators' is selected

If the site admin chooses Activation by administrators', then the registration process will not be automatic, but the site admin will need to activate the users account through System Admin-->Users. In this instance webmasters will be notified when the new user's account is activated.



2nd part of user info screen

Allow custom avatar upload?

Yes No

Choose Yes to allow users to upload their own avatar through their user profile settings

Minimum posts required

Enter the minimum number of posts required to upload a custom avatar

Choose 0 if you wish users to be able to upload avatars without any post count. This count includes posts in the Newbb forum and the Xoops comments system.

Avatar image max width (pixel)

Avatar image max height (pixel)

Avatar image max filesize (byte)

The above three settings are for image size restrictions

Allow users to delete own account?

Yes No

This defaults to Yes, if set to No, registered users will be unable to delete their accounts.


Enter names that should not be selected as username

Separate each with a |, case insensitive, regex enabled.

Enter emails that should not be used in user profile

Separate each with a |, case insensitive, regex enabled.

Display disclaimer?

Select yes to display disclaimer in registration page

Yes No

The disclaimer is the agreement users need to agree to when registering. This disclaimer can be edited to site admin preferences in the box below

Registration disclaimer

Enter text to be displayed as registration disclaimer


Meta Tags and Footer


Meta Keywords

The keywords meta tag is a series of keywords that represents the content of your site. Type in keywords with each separated by a comma or a space in between. (Ex. XOOPS, PHP, mySQL, portal system)

Change the above key words to suit your preferences

Meta Description

The description meta tag is a general description of what is contained in your web page

Meta Robots

The Robots Tag declares to search engines what content to index and spider

The Robots META tag is a simple mechanism to indicate to visiting Web Robots if a page should be indexed, or links on the page should be followed

The INDEX directive specifies if an indexing robot should index the page. The FOLLOW directive specifies if a robot is to follow links on the page. The defaults are INDEX and FOLLOW. The values ALL and NONE set all directives on or off: ALL=INDEX,FOLLOW and NONE=NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW.

Meta Rating

The rating meta tag defines your site age and content rating

This is a method of "restricting" access to a WWW page. It is supposed to rate a web page as to its suitability for children.

The "name=" attribute sets up the "rating" condition and "content=" sets the specific rating for that page.

There are four ratings: "general", "mature", "restricted" and "14 years" that are all arguments for the "content=" attribute.

<meta name="rating" content="general">


Meta Author

The author meta tag defines the name of the author of the document being read. Supported data formats include the name, email address of the webmaster, company name or URL.

Meta Copyright

The copyright meta tag defines any copyright statements you wish to disclose about your web page documents.

Enter your copyright details here. This will not appear in the front end of your website, this is used for search engines


Be sure to type links in full path starting from http://, otherwise the links will not work correctly in modules pages.

The footer details entered here will appear in all Xoops pages. This assumes the Xoops footer tag is included in the theme.html file for the theme concerned.


Word Censuring Options


Enable censoring of unwanted words?

Words will be censored if this option is enabled. This option may be turned off for enhanced site speed.
Yes No

These options will only function if this is set to Yes

Words to censor

Enter words that should be censored in user posts.
Separate each with a |, case insensitive.
Bad words will be replaced with:

Censored words will be replaced with the characters entered in this textbox


Search Options

Enable global searches?

Allow searching for posts/items within your site.
Yes No

This relates to the search blocks which can be activated within Xoops in System Admin-->Blocks

Minimum keyword length

Enter the minimum keyword length that users are required to enter to perform search

This sets the minimum length of keywords used in searches. The smaller the keywords allowed the larger the bandwidth the server consumes.



Mail Setup


FROM address

FROM name

FROM user

When the system sends a private message, which user should appear to have sent it?

Mail delivery method

Method used to deliver mail. Default is "mail", use others only if that makes trouble.

Path to sendmail

Path to the sendmail program (or substitute) on the webserver.

SMTP host(s)

List of SMTP servers to try to connect to.

SMTPAuth username

Username to connect to an SMTP host with SMTPAuth.

SMTPAuth password

Password to connect to an SMTP host with SMTPAuth.





jackj macambridge.com