2.2. theme_blockleft.html

Line 1-2:

<div class="blockTitle"><{$block.title}></div>
<div class="blockContent"><{$block.content}></div>

This HTML file dictates the general layout of the Left Blocks which gives them a consistent look. This is called by the theme.html file through a Smarty <{include}> tag. The block title and the block content are separate divs.

Remember that the specific layout of the block contents, e.g. images used in a block, layout of links in User Menu, custom blocks, are handled by block templates and can be managed in the Templates Administration of the Admin Control Panel.

The Smarty tags used are:

[Tip]Theme-Building Tips
  • Customize the HTML code as you wish as long as you use the Smarty tags mentioned to place the block title and block contents. A common customization is to convert the divs to a single table with 2 rows.