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Can I see a demo first?
You have an example under you eyes and you are actually using it. However you should take a look at A visual introduction to Xoops

In addition to that you can:

1. Take a Test drive here

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xoops demo at:


 Re: Xoops module testing site

site demo in Spanish of XOOPS 2.2
admin: demo
pass: demo


 New user

Hi, I am a brand new user to Xoops. I have been given a webpage to play with. How do I open this page using Xoops?


 Re: New user

Welcome to xoops!
What do you mean you have been given a webpage? Is it a wesbite built on XOOPS and that you don't know the first thing about it? If the site is open to the public it should 'open' in any web browser! You don't 'open' it using xoops, you build it with xoops. Can you please take the time to read 'All about xoops' linked on the left. Please also browse right through how to use a XOOPS website and all about XOOPS - basic questions answered in the FAQ section. Unfortunately your primary source for getting your head around how XOOPS works is not open - but please keep trying The xoopsdocs team is aware of the problem and await the imput of the server administrator. Please use the beginners forum for further questions.


 Re: New user

Yes it is a web page that has been built using XOOPS and I can open it in my web browser. What I need to know is how do I access the blocks so that I can edit the text and then save my changes.


 Re: New user

Hi emtken

As suggested, please transfer your question to the forum if you need help with a specific problem. There is a limit to the number of comments that can be posted, but there is no limit in the forum.


 Re: New user

where can I find a walk through for changing my header
I have my site ready to go but not sure how to take down a header and replace it with another...


 Re: New user

You really should post in the forum ;o) I am no theme designer, but two files to look at in your theme are theme.html and style.css that should give you a start. For more info ask in forums. ;o)



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