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What is an inactive user (and an active user) ?
When you are in your admin panel to find a user, you can see at the top of the window something like this :

(Active Users: 194 Inactive Users: 47)

Active users are people who have registred to your website and who have clicked on the activation's key received by email.
Inactive users are people who have registred on your website but who did not clicked on the activation's key.

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Extra spam/security measures?

Is it possible to make a time limit to how long the person has to click on the activation link before they will be deleted from the system?



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Did you know ?

On *NIX systems, you can use symbolic links (ln -s) to link your cache, templates_c, and uploads directories to folders that are outside of your web root.

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