Modules: Invision Power File Manager

Posted by: Jan304On 2003/12/30 0:28:09 19448 reads
"Since their wasn't a decent file manager in php, I created one.", That's how Stephen (Developer of IPFM) explains why he created IPFM. Since we XOOPS users want to have more and more control about all from the web this would be a handy addon. So that's why I ported it to XOOPS.

So all positive news, where is the negative news? Well... IPFM is released under a special licence, this makes it impossible to redistribute it. So, following the licence would make it impossible for me to distribute the XOOPS version, but, after making contact with Stephen, he explained me he had no problem with it, but, there is ofcourse no support from his side and (even under GNU I would but this time I had to) I had to keep the copyright notice.

So where to download? Here you can download IPFM. You have to agree the license before you can download. Remember that this is a beta version and can hold bugs, even security issues (I doubt it but a warned person is...).

And, a bit smaller release, a new version of xComics, you can download that here.