2.5.8 :: Update Error : ParseError: syntax error, unexpected 'new' (T_NEW)

Hey all how are you? I have recently been updating renderments.org from PHP5 earlier version of XOOPS 2.5 to XOOPS 2.5 with PHP7; now with the following error I was making some adjustments to this module and puting in __construct() calls instead of XoopsClassFunction() but that is the only change..

When i got it up and running I got the following error: Error : ParseError: syntax error, unexpected 'new' (T_NEW) - You can see it here on the following URLs:-

  • http://renderments.org/send-email/general-topics-and-subjects/send-the-webmasters-a-message/3.html
  • http://renderments.org/send-email/access-permissions/add-user-to-the-openrend-sourceforge-net-project/2.html
  • http://renderments.org/send-email/access-permissions/email-alias-allocation-request/1.html

I have in the contact us module for solicitors and the likes (Isn't that the greatest thing in self consumption I can't have any sort of which way anything in the page with header and forms lawsuit on my arse - anyway!!) I have grep'd the word 'new' recursively in the /modules/lawsuit and buffered it to a text file and gone line by line checking all the new statements and they are all right...

If you need me to package this one geekwrite; let me know so you can have it the same box operating to debug on...

Debugging Resources

  • http://au.labs.coop/renderments_org.sql.zip
  • http://au.labs.coop/renderments.org.7z

XOOPS 2.5.8 - Standard Ubuntu Xenial 64Bit MySQL 5.7 PHP7

To the team, just tonight I downloaded the XOOPS 2.5.8 zip from sourceforge.net and I am having a problem with the installation script, it i handling it up to when it is being prompted for the mysql details then just stating a loop in this spot: see this video:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUzPYs31Iys&feature=youtu.be

Anyway any comments all the system is standard and should meet the spec of this,,,

XOOPS 2.5.8 ~ Error : Error: Class 'Xmf\IPAddress' not found

Hey how are you all going? I thought I would enquire about this bug I have just found upgrading labs.coop to XOOPS 2.5.8 ~ do you test this on an Ubuntu environment or WAMP cause it upgradedhttp://helpingkidsfoundation.org/ without any worries but when I put it onhttp://labs.coop I get the following error:


A problem has occurred on our server!
Page is currently unavailable

We are working on a fix
Please come back soon ...

Error : Error: Class 'Xmf\IPAddress' not found

Notabilty I know trabis has been working on a new Xmf wrapping handler this is obviously it but for some reason It is throwing this error, if you need a copy of the filebase and database let me know, also seeming there will have to be now a XOOPS 2.5.9 can I request for load balancing the following changes to the MySQL Database for the final before we cross over to the next database handling platform in XOOPS 2.6..

// changes for SQL Transaction for Single End Session Writting ~ Load balancing
// class/database/mysqldatabase.php
class XoopsMySQLDatabase extends XoopsDatabase
     * Database connection
     * @var mysqli
public $conn;

     * fired with the class destructs
public function __destruct()

     * connect to the database
     * @param bool $selectdb select the database now?
     * @return bool successful?
public function connect($selectdb true)
        if (!
extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
trigger_error('notrace:mysqli extension not loaded'E_USER_ERROR);


$this->allowWebChanges = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'GET');

        if (
$selectdb) {
$dbname constant('XOOPS_DB_NAME');
        } else {
$dbname '';
        if (
$this->conn = new mysqli('p:' XOOPS_DB_HOSTXOOPS_DB_USERXOOPS_DB_PASS$dbname);
        } else {
$this->conn = new mysqli(XOOPS_DB_HOSTXOOPS_DB_USERXOOPS_DB_PASS$dbname);

        if (!
$this->conn) {
$this->logger->addQuery(''$this->error(), $this->errno());

        if (!isset(
$db_charset_set) && defined('XOOPS_DB_CHARSET') && XOOPS_DB_CHARSET) {
$this->queryF("SET NAMES '" XOOPS_DB_CHARSET "'");
$db_charset_set 1;
$this->queryF('SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS = 1');
// Start SQL Transaction
$this->queryF('START TRANSACTION');


Notice the changes is only introducing a __destruct as well as 1 line added to the connect with is calling the Opening to an SQL Transaction and is commited when the class to the database destructs...

Download a Font ~http://fonts.labs.coop

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Web Font: *.zip | *.7z | *.rar |*.tar.gz

Re: http://fonts.labs.coop -- Version 2.2.4 -- clean your caret and never suffer the coffee!! Cursors!!!

Sure mamba maybe you want to adjust xoops.css with the font sizes XX-Large and chmod 400 so you never rewrite it on here...

the 'EM' sizing for font pixels and is as said a scaler based measurement and so on to be only slightly the screen size larger like 1.09em or something, em is the best thing to use for fonts as it is scaler to the screen size and always will cognitively appear as the same size no matter what screen it is.. I am using a wide screen, but

btw. Mamba have your lightly brow about also being on tour from the original drafting team of Ubuntu and you still running Windows 10 --> Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is amazing... and you though you used a windows bash first!!

We collided after our argument something external to the building was causing in step some how in the impossible in differences between and causing fights... anyway. that is in fighting I now have none on Ubuntu, get the ISO and immediately seeming I have called several times over the year Michael beck and you have a backup to image and format over you systems with releases.ubuntu.com --> anyway...

So, whomever uploaded the arabic fonts tohttp://fonts.labs.coop could you do it again and with Ubuntu and the version of FontForge from github.com --> make from existing fonts with both english and arabic characters those similar symbols as the font you imported give it a new name and version if you like or add at the end of the start of the name AE --> great thanks www.xoops.ae

btw. we have move to GitHub.com the font API is athttps://github.com/Chronolabs-Cooperative/Fonts-API-PHP and we do take open application to be a chronolabian and be part of teams...

Latest Philanthropic Services: helpingkidsfoundation.org (Pakistan)

Chronolabs Cooperative met norez connecting around through friends on facebook.com; wishcraft only accept mutual friends so this is how norez jazed came in contact with Simon Roberts (wishcraft) - - who offered to make him a site at absolutely no charge or fee.

I made norez as presented a new theme which is - complexity 1.4 (download *.tar.gx) - and fitted the css with some downloadable fonts fromhttp://fonts.labs.coop.

We are still waiting for norez to fill out more content before we taking him on a tour but you can already see it together with his correlated content. We donated the domain also too norez as registering a domain in a Pakistan Address is next to impossible or from that part of the world but we where able to force it past the fraud detection through -http://registrar.labs.coop

[size=x-large]-- helpingkidsfoundation.org --[/size]

About Us
Helping Kids Foundation is a non-profitable non-governmental organization that sees as its purpose gathering funds to Help children’s all over the Pakistan. Helping Kids Foundation has functioned for Several Years and has earned the reputation of a reliable and enthusiastic organization that has helped to better the lives of hundreds of children.. It is a development organization which is working in the remote areas of District Toba Tek Singh in the central Punjab, Pakistan since 2010.

Mission Statement
Helping Kids by providing free Food Education and Medical care to children that have barriers to access. The name of the organization adequately describes its mission, purpose and operational model. We provide health care to children without insurance or financial resources and eliminate access barriers by working in virtually any environment in Pakistan where children are at-risk.

What We Do
Helping Kids Foundation took initiative to preach and educate the young generation and opened schools in the remote villages for the poor and deprived communities where the children not only are taught the Curriculum recommended by the Government but they are learning the values of human rights, gender sensitization, peace, interfaith harmony and religious respect and Gospel teachings.

http://fonts.labs.coop -- Version 2.2.4 -- clean your caret and never suffer the coffee!! Cursors!!!

Here at Chronolabs Cooperative (wishcraft) we have been working on a new version 2.x of the Font’s API which is in release of version 2.2.4. This is with+++ the unison cloud peering system, which will be additional in version 2.2.x coming out in a month or two. This is for the module Fontier+ which will be a point and click font customiser with randomisation options etc for your website, with admin as well as user interface for browsing the font libraries, but we need your fonts in all languages...

The new font API you can see operating athttp://fonts.labs.coop which is a complete Debian/Ubuntu solution. To Install there is quite a bit of configuration and you will have to be able to read the code as well as: apt-get install fontforge zip unzip bzip 7zip rar... — and so on with the systems required to be installed as well as in some of the cronjobs you will require user permissions to be set with chown and chmod calls. You can see the install instructions in the Chronicals on Sourceforge.net/projects/chronolabsapis to details to this installation methods.

You can download the font API version 2.2.4 from sourceforge here:https://sourceforge.net/projects/chronolabsapis/files/fonts.labs.coop/Version%202.x/2.2.4/

Okeyhttp://fonts.labs.coop is up and running it will take any of these file formats: *.afm *.bdf *.bin *.cef *.cff *.cid *.dfont *.eot *.fnt *.fon *.gai *.gsf *.hqx *.ik *.mf *.otb *.otf *.pcf *.pdb *.pf3 *.pfa *.pfb *.pmf *.pt3 *.sfd *.svg *.t42 *.ttc *.ttf *.ufo *.woff and will return the font in all these formats. I know some of you have collection of fonts that need to be exhumed, like vint getting a whole pile of dfonts made for google way back in the years before and never getting to use them.

Thanks, uploads set to archives which you can have archives within archives endlessly at 99999Mb's; of any of the formats displayed and you can have any of the types of archives within the archive, i would suggest you upload to make cold your free fonts so you don't have a unclean and dirty caret with them anymore, we partly do this as in the previous segment through fonts we received a dose of every single bit of caffeine in one hit that has ever been drunk on the internet and it wasn't pleasant, it was in fact a killer.

Also with the website you are running we offer a releases callback and email which will notify your website if you set it up in PHP of any new releases coming from the API and allow your site to download them as well as allow you to mount them as they become available. The API if you want to run it uses a peering system so if you wanted to set up and are running ubuntu/debain; you will be able to host your fonts on the API across the network of people running this API and there will be no replication of font files; auditing our websites; you can also poll other peoples API like I am going to do with Fontier+ to allow for massive selections of fonts for people to choose from.

If your a commerical vendor it wouldn't take much to put and embedding authorisation with $_SERVER["REFERER_URI"] which will allow you to permit embedding of a font and downloading of it like a shop in the routines, this would be minor changes you can hire chronolabs cooperative by getting in touch with the developer Simon Roberts <simon@staff.labs.coop>.

In version 2.2.x we will be including a peer-to-peer cloud font sharing system without reproduction, as well as glyph output previews and be rounding of any callback and other options involved in the peer-2-peer font cloud sharing solution with a peering identify checksum!

This is the final revision for minor revision of 2.1! The font api will take any one of these formats: pfa, pfb, pt3, t42, sfd, ttf, bdf, otf, otb, cff, cef, gai, woff, svg, ufo, pf3, ttc, gsf, cid, bin, hqx, dfont, mf, ik, fnt, pcf, pmf, pdb, eot, afm. It will then with the Ubuntu Utility FontForge; then produce an individualised archive for each font converted all these formats: pfa, pfb, pt3, t42, sfd, ttf, bdf, otf, otb, cff, cef, gai, woff, svg, ufo, pf3, ttc, gsf, cid, bin, hqx, dfont, mf, ik, fnt, pcf, pmf, pdb, eot, afm, fon..

Just follow this video on what to do if your using windows most of your fonts would be in c:/windows/fonts to zip up and send, otherwise I have tested it with a 10Gb font zip and it worked fine this time, unlike your first experience of waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for the download to finished, it does most of that extra stuff on the cronjob.


Please both of you address it, sorry about kevin's new speak skinner.minister.nsw.gov.au / if you don't want a full dose of every coffee and caffeine that interneted you will follow the instruction guide carefully, especially if your spell check or tag spell caffiene not as not taking delivery caffeine...

The API will then lodging them on a Git Repository on sourceforge in the ChronolabsAPI Project, in version 2.2 it will ask peers if they have any record of the fingerprint for the font and drop it and place reference to it on the callback to the uploader if specified. The idea of this is so no replication occurs in any of the peer networks. Being a font website, what you will be able to do is make api.yourwebsite.com and be a peer in the network, which will share but not duplicate files across the network, parts of your database will be retrieved, not fingerpint information just released fonts and when someone select them on another network, it will retrieve and cache it for 4 hours or until the cache goes hit cold.

I will be making a tool in XOOPS to browse the API, after version 2.2.x when I introduce Glyph previews and the rest of the features for the font api, this will ensure and be called Fontier+; If you implement the following PHP in your work place intranet:-

if (!function_exists(“getURIData”)) { /* function getURIData() cURL Routine * * @author Simon Roberts (labs.coop) wishcraft@users.sourceforge.net * @return string */ function getURIData($uri ''$timeout 25$connectout 25$post_data = array()) { if (!function_exists(“curl_init”)) { return file_get_contents($uri); } if (!$btt curl_init($uri)) { return false; } curl_setopt($bttCURLOPT_HEADER0); curl_setopt($bttCURLOPT_POST, (count($posts)==0?false:true)); if (count($posts)!=0curl_setopt($bttCURLOPT_POSTFIELDShttp_build_query($post_data)); curl_setopt($bttCURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT$connectout); curl_setopt($bttCURLOPT_TIMEOUT$timeout); curl_setopt($bttCURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFERtrue); curl_setopt($bttCURLOPT_VERBOSEfalse); curl_setopt($bttCURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOSTfalse); curl_setopt($bttCURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEERfalse); $data curl_exec($btt); curl_close($btt); return $data; } } 


And use the following call to display the upload form, with your callback API Specified, you will recieve notifications fromhttp://fonts.labs.coop as well as release and survey information from the call back API which you specify as a URL.. The example of most of the callback actions are here:http://fonts.labs.coop/callback-example.php - you will also with the call back be able to download and send the submitter if you make it a session upload the font archive...

This will display an upload form for the fonts api archives and cleaner, if you do this you may not receive the killer coffee:-

// output the table & form
echo getURIData(" http://fonts.labs.coop/v2/uploads/forms.api"560560/* URL Upload return after submission (required) */ array('return' => ' http://fonts.labs.coop'/* URL for API Callback for progress and archive with data (optional) */ 'callback' => ' http://yourwebsite.com/fonts/callback.api'));

Even if you don't implement this, if your using windows could you zip your c:/windows/fonts path and upload it with some email addresses seperated by comma to be surveyed over the next 28 – 60 days on your font batch..


is the instructions to installing your own fonts.labs.coop in the peer node cluster.


Please review: Open Renderments!!

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Open Renderments


Brought to you by Chronolabs Cooperative


Open Renderments is a typal of 'government' that is from a point of history to unfathomable ahead of to now too/for refresh now!

Unfortunately most people don't face realism an Open Government is a has-been and not possible, the word govern and meant is a double verb which is a closed system of language, there is no ability to leave it open; unlike a much better word that is not nonsense which is - Renderments.

Open Renderments the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.; political administration from a-far to now: Renderments is necessary to the existence of ultra-modern civilized society.

An open group of people that renders a community or unit. It sets and administers public policy and exercises executive, political and sovereign power through customs, institutions, and laws within a state. A modern open Renderments can be classified into many types--democracy, republic, monarchy, aristocracy, and stewardship are just a few.

XOOPS Systems Used:-

  • Suico Theme (Modified)
  • Lawsuit module
  • Publisher module
  • XCenter module
  • XForum module
  • Tag module
  • X-News module

Presenting: PingTrax 1.02 Stable

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Chronolabs Cooperative

... Presents ...

PingTrax 1.02


PingTrax 1.02 is a module that uses auto discovery to generate links to send to PingLists as well as allow for Permalink's for trackbacks on all your public site! It has a plugin's system if you want to use it to customise your module input's into PingTrax but this isn't required to operate on the system.

There is a smarty function which output a table for the permalink which is or this will output when you put it in your theme the permalink as well as any trackbacks that have been linked to the site.

It utilises preloader events to maintain the pinglists as well as trackbacks; but it also generates your sitemaps as well in xml in the root and alters the robots.txt to reflect the sitemaps. This is all through auto discovery so there is very little you have to do to use this module in base mode. There is also in the the include folder 3 text files which are used in order to specify root names for Id's and identity tags in the $_GET path of the URL in case you need to do some basic customisation without having any knowledge of how to write a plugin's class.

I have attempted too make this module fluid and dynamic so it is easy to implement! It will list your site on the web quickly and effectively, so please download and install it is for XOOPS 2.5 or later


** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.02.7z
** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.02.tar.bz2
** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.02.zip
** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.02.tar.gz
** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.02.zoo
** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.02.rar[/size]

Bug Reports

This is being released for stable release purposes, the actual release is version 1.02. If you have a bug please use the following form and report it:-https://sourceforge.net/p/chronolabs/tickets/new/

Planning: the final fontier

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Chronolabs Cooperative

... Presents ...

Fontier x.xx


Online, the final fontier, these are the voyages of the star ship aus-chronoprise, in it continuing 5 year mission, to explore strange new fonts, to seek our better ways of assigning them and to boldly highlight text unlike ever before! * star trek theme plays

OKey fokes, for a number of months I have been working on the API for this which is running athttp://fonts.syd.labs.coop but when finished will be moved tohttp://fonts.labs.coop where version one currently resides. I will be writing an appendix module to this API that will for example scan your site for a list of HTML element ID's and Classes and then allow you to assign fonts to them.

As I am limited without SSL it will download the font resource to your XOOPS_DATA path as a cache item and load it in the module for the site, you will be able in this module in the admin to choose and select from the thousands of fonts available and assign them to HTML ID's and classes on your site. It will also have support for random assignment of fonts based on font nodes.

So what do you need to do to prepare for this module, you will need to ZIP or one of the support archives and you can have archives within archives in tree's and upload the fonts tohttp://fonts.syd.labs.coop we support upto 2Gb uploads, which will take awhile, but I suggest you keep it lower of 500Mbs.

With these fonts you will need to include the scope of the cataloguing survey and these emails will never venture outside this system, there is to or bcc, which I suggest you don't put yourself in the scope or it will only do 8 at a time. These emails will be selected to answer no more at any one time of 8 font cataloguing surveys which is to help us assign weight and details to the fonts...

In a month or two when I have collected enough fonts from you all; I will start the module it should only take a week or two to write, which will allow you to assign fonts to HTML Element ID's and Classes on your site dynamically!

So Get Uploading!!

Planned: Fontier Plus -- http://fonts.syd.labs.coop

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Chronolabs Cooperative

... Presents ...

Fontier x.xx


Online, the final fontier, these are the voyages of the star ship aus-chronoprise, in it continuing 5 year mission, to explore strange new fonts, to seek our better ways of assigning them and to boldly highlight text unlike ever before! * star trek theme plays

OKey fokes, for a number of months I have been working on the API for this which is running athttp://fonts.syd.labs.coop but when finished will be moved tohttp://fonts.labs.coop where version one currently resides. I will be writing an appendix module to this API that will for example scan your site for a list of HTML element ID's and Classes and then allow you to assign fonts to them.

As I am limited without SSL it will download the font resource to your XOOPS_DATA path as a cache item and load it in the module for the site, you will be able in this module in the admin to choose and select from the thousands of fonts available and assign them to HTML ID's and classes on your site. It will also have support for random assignment of fonts based on font nodes.

So what do you need to do to prepare for this module, you will need to ZIP or one of the support archives and you can have archives within archives in tree's and upload the fonts tohttp://fonts.syd.labs.coop we support upto 2Gb uploads, which will take awhile, but I suggest you keep it lower of 500Mbs.

With these fonts you will need to include the scope of the cataloguing survey and these emails will never venture outside this system, there is to or bcc, which I suggest you don't put yourself in the scope or it will only do 8 at a time. These emails will be selected to answer no more at any one time of 8 font cataloguing surveys which is to help us assign weight and details to the fonts...

In a month or two when I have collected enough fonts from you all; I will start the module it should only take a week or two to write, which will allow you to assign fonts to HTML Element ID's and Classes on your site dynamically!

So Get Uploading!!

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