Help w/ User Selection Drop Down
  • 2004/9/30 15:54

  • jmass

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 524

  • Since: 2003/12/18

I need to have a drop down menu display a list of users.

Preferably, it should be only those users who are selected in my group permissions for a specific task. However, if I can only do a all XOOPS users selection, that would be OK.



Re: News module (2 questions)
  • 2004/9/30 15:52

  • rowdie

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 846

  • Since: 2004/7/21

I had a quick look, doesn't look too difficult Still, make a backup of the files first in case you have problems.

in index.php find:

$story['title'] = $thisstory->textlink().' : '.$story['title'];

change it to this:

$story['title'] .= ' : '.$thisstory->textlink();

If you want to change the article title the same way try this...

in article.php find:
$story['title'] = $article->textlink()." : ".$article->title();

Change it to:
$story['title'] = $article->title()." : ".$article->textlink();

Hope it's what you're after...

Re: server -> no logfiles

You are talking about the web server logs? If so then XOOPS would not affect that in any way.

Check the server config and verify where the logs are supposed to be including the error log. If the location is in the same directory as other logs (and the config is correct) then the most common reason is a failed log rotation. You might still be writing to the rotated log file or into /dev/null. A web server restart should restart the log in the right place.

Re: Xoops and money DO mix!


jmass wrote:
We host all the sites ourselves too, another part of the service we provide. And so far we have not distributed any of the major work we have done, yet it is all GPL.

Nothing wrong with changing that. Release early, release often.

Yeah, sometimes I wake up in the morning and just want to give it all away!! And we don't think twice about releasing stuff that's related to the core. But modules that provide specific functionality are another story.

It's a more complicated issue than just "release early and often." Doing that would help make our product better than others, and would make lots of people want to use it, etc. So that's a good thing right?

But the problem is, our "product" is not the product. We're not trying to compete with others who make products like our modules. Our product is the overall service we can provide to customers. And some of our XOOPS modules are key ways we can differentiate our services from other competitors in the consulting marketplace. They let us do things for clients that other consultants can't provide.

So it's not really about releasing the software, it's about the effect releasing the software would have on our competitors' ability to compete with us for new clients. Releasing the code levels the playing field between us.

That's the fundamental effect of open source software on the entire software industry.

But why should we level a playing field we think is in our favour right now? One train of thought says that since we think we're better on other merits too, who cares if we level the playing field?

As a not-for-profit enterprise in the first place, leveling playing fields is sort of what we're interested in. It helps raise the tide for everyone, which is a goal of ours. But not if it undercuts our business so we can't go on doing that.

I suspect we will release it all eventually. A lot of things become very simply when everything is open source *and* freely available. But how and when I'm not sure.

I think the issue is very similar for others who do similar things like Andy Mayer and his event manager module. If you're reading Andy, I'd love to hear your thoughts.


A Simple Machines to Xoops module
  • 2004/9/30 15:49

  • Kalobotz

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 133

  • Since: 2004/5/26

I am looking for a Simple Machines www.simplemachines.org module. Is there one out there or a project to covert the current yabbse version?

Re: Xoops DB Question
  • 2004/9/30 15:45

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

that's a good question, i'm not sure

i'd bet it still makes a connection each time, but i'm no guru, so it's best to wait for a core dev's answer

Re: project management... tasks... gantt charts etc...
  • 2004/9/30 15:42

  • wcrwcr

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1114

  • Since: 2003/12/12

Hey PeterPan

I?m not a coder so with this I can?t help, but please keep on doing It

I think this will be a very nice and wanted module.
Count on me with any other kind of support than coding, ok?

Thanks for sharing,

Re: How to make a new module anonymous users available by default ?

Mithrandir wrote:
By default, module and block access is added to groups, the user, who installs the module, is a member of.

This answers a question I had. I've noticed this behaviour and wondered why it happens. New modules are adding their rights to other groups which isn't desired. When I for example want to have an anon only block/module I have to visit a bunch of groups to remove the rights instead of just the Registerd group. Groups by my usage should only contain rights unique to that group. Other rights flow down.

Sorry to hijack the thread. Back on topic, I think keeping anon out of the automatic rights setting is a good thing. It is very easy to add a right to one group then forgetting to removing it and risking exposure.

Re: project management... tasks... gantt charts etc...
  • 2004/9/30 15:34

  • PeterPan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2004/8/18

paint... paint... uff... uff...

I adopted phprojekt and "adapted" it to work with xoops:
1) I put XOOPS and projekt tables in the same DB (with different prefix: xoops_ and projekt_)

2) I write a php script to replicate XOOPS user, groups, and user group association in phprojekt. The script copy/update XOOPS user in a predefined group (projekt users) to projekt.

3) I create a phprojekt "skin" with a menu similar to XOOPS menu (vertical with projekt entries and a link to the site home)

4) I patched phprojekt login (lib/auth.inc.php) to accept authentication from XOOPS user table:
if ($row[1] == $enc_pw) {
// store the found user_ID
$fetch_uservalues = $row[0];
} // end check for &pw

if ( ! $fetch_uservalues ) {
$xoopres = db_query("select pass from xoops_users where uname='$loginstring'");
$xooprow = db_fetch_row($xoopres);
if ( $xooprow && ($xooprow[0] == md5($user_pw)) ) {
$fetch_uservalues = $row[0];
} // end loop over all found users with the same loginstring
} // end case for non-ldap auth
} // end else bracket for authentication

All work quite fine (i am starting using it)... except (todo):

5) avoid requiring a new authentication entering in projekt page... now i have to auth entering in XOOPS and than again when selecting projekt
Ho can i do??? cookies??? Is there an active session table in xoops??? other ways???

6) write a XOOPS modules to show blocks from projekt tables. I am working on it but i think it will long :( :( Writing XOOPS modules doesn't seem too complex... but understand German field names in projekt isn't soo easy


xcgal upload problem: create/order albums and modify my albums buttons link to blank page

Oops. I posted this to the usage forum rather than here, so here goes again:

my dogs have a site for users to upload albums. they have only been able to get the batch upload feature working to create albums and upload pictures. when a regular registered user tries to create an album by hitting the button, it goes to a blank page. When the "upload picture" link is selected, the site delivers a response "there are no albums you are authorized to upload to" or something to that effect. the site runs on XOOPS 2.07.

debug result is:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/maxandcl/public_html/modules/xcgal/albmgr.php on line 109
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: search in file modules/xoogle/include/xoogle.php line 328
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: query in file modules/xoogle/blocks/xoogle_search_block.php line 22
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _XO_SEARCH_LABEL - assumed '_XO_SEARCH_LABEL' in file modules/xoogle/blocks/xoogle_search_block.php line 28

if anyone has experienced this issue and knows the fix, max and cleo would be very appreciative.


username: test
password: user


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