Re: SSL Encryption

How are you seolio, yeah I have set up a few SSL domains on XOOPS have a look at this onehttps://www.paythem.biz/ this is my payment gateway, I put together to bill my website from. Your welcome to sign up to intabill.com

Merchant Signup Page:https://join.intagate.com/join.php?type=merchant&mid=43f48496-85f2-102a-ba7a-00188b306089

Reseller Signup Page:https://join.intagate.com/join.php?type=reseller&mid=43f48496-85f2-102a-ba7a-00188b306089

and I can change the merchant ID you are billing from and you will get the cash..

Anyway more on SSL; basically there is only a few changes you need to make to ensure secure SSL, the XOOPS_URL define in main.php needs to change, ie:

define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://www.paythem.biz');


define('XOOPS_URL', 'https://www.paythem.biz');

And there is a couple of changes you need to make to the theme as well, some themes use the xoAppURL and xoImgURL smarty functions, these do not support the URL https:// they will always resolve to http:// which means you will have to modify the theme, do use <{$xoops_url}> and the theme name variable which is this extension in smarty tags:

<{assign var=theme_name value=$xoTheme->folderName}>

this will give you the variable <{$theme_name}> for the folder name of the theme.

Have fun!!
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Page Descriptions & Keyword Density - SEO Tip #3

Well have you searched for your site, you will notice a lot of the pages have the same description, this means you are limiting the amount of possible keywords your search is going to be found on.

For the module writers there are a few steps to ensure that this isn't a problem, introduce a field called a Teaser and use this to populate the smarty variable xoops_meta_description this allows the user to populate a description that they want to be searched under, it only has to be around 128-250 chars a varchar will do.

The other alternative is to turn on an off and on the tag itself this is using a system of smarty if, for example in your theme you will have a line that looks like:

<meta name="description" content="<{$xoops_meta_description}>" />

You would want to change it to be contained within an if clause that is fired by your tpl variable in the modules you want the description left in..

For example, in your theme you would replace this with:

<{if $dontallow_meta_description==0}>
meta name="description" content="<{$xoops_meta_description}>" />

now in the php files where you want the page content to be searchable by the search engines and display in the searching matrix you would add the following $tpl call.


This will turn off the description tag and the search engines will use the page content or where the common keywords in the search term are found on the page.

Alternatively the teaser option allows for the description to be UGC but this only really applies to individual content pages and you can still turning off the meta description on pages that contains a listing not an individual item.

Now to implement the teasers you will have to do a call in your php file (which i think most of you will know this) as something like:


This will alter the smarty variable and allow for the description to be called what the User Generated Content reflects or have some finite data for the search engine to place on that page rather than the default description.
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Re: Page Titles and Meta Keywords - SEO Tip #2

yeah your right about that minor error in the meta_keywords function to the standard xoops_meta_keywords sorry I copied the code from the multixoops I put together for my SEO experiment in XOOPS and escorting websites I hacked together from 2.0.13 - 2.0.16; which has a few extra and amendments to it.

Umm with the second version of the code you shouldn't have repeats in the keywords as it has this clause:

$pg_array = array_unique($pg_array);

array_unique will strip duplicates from the array then implode it back to a string with the implode function. yeah I found that in the first version of the code that there where duplicates so I decided to implement array_unique which will strip out duplicates.

This changes the keyword density of the the site so your pages don't have the same keywords on every page and every search engine goes, 'well thats keyword stuffing' at least this is what I am told it is called or one of the versions of that is called, and marks you down a bit.

ps. Thanks for the invite
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Re: Page Titles and Meta Keywords - SEO Tip #2

a better version of this code is:

<meta name="keywords" content="<{php}>$pg_title = $this->_tpl_vars['xoops_pagetitle'].','.$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_sitename'];
$pg_title = str_replace(' ',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('-',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('|',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(':',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('=',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('&',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(')','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('(','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('[','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(']','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('{','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('}','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(' and ',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(' the ',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(',,',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(',,',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(',,',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title .= ",".$this->_tpl_vars['meta_keywords'];
$pg_array = explode(",",$pg_title);
$pg_array = array_unique($pg_array);
    echo implode("
,",$pg_array);<{/php}>" />
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Title element in <a> tag - SEO Tip #1

what about using the title tag ? will it have the same result as the name tag ?

The name tag is to assign an object class or naming class to a group of tags, you can also populate the title tag but you want to be careful of keyword density (see SEO Tip #2 for ways of fixing this).

See what a name does is assign a group of text an association of an object much the same way you have a class in PHP which is a group of functions.

The name when you put it into a <a> tag will assign it to an object rather than being some vagrant link on a page, this will provide reciprocal linking to the same anchor without a href element in it.

From my quick research and there isn't much on this if you populate the title tag


<a href="<{$array.link}>" name="<{$array.title}>" title="<{$array.title}>"><{$array.title}><a>

The title will be used similarly to a meta keyword with a lower percentile score against it.. But this is something I will have to experiment with.
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Re: Link Anchorage for better SEO Scores - SEO Tip #1

OK I have put a warning in and I will change my signature...

Oh come on it is just an experiment to see if you can top XOOPS in the SEO on adult content..

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Re: Link Anchorage for better SEO Scores - SEO Tip #1

Yeah i am not sure about the title, everything I have seen in anchoring is giving it a name class so it know what text on the form is related to what link..

What do you mean inappropriate, there is a restricted meta setting, on xoops, it gets used for more than the contents of your mind
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Page Titles and Meta Keywords - SEO Tip #2

Well I have decided after my recent post to share some SEO tips with you.. This one is to do with titles and your keywords, see if you keywords reflect the title of your page you will be given a higher rank in the search engines than a page with similar common keywords. This is a direct method of address this site wide with only a few lines of code.

In your theme.html you will have a meta keyword field it will currently look like:

<meta name="keywords" content="<{$xoops_meta_keywords}>" />

You will need to add this bit of code to it to include your sitename and page title in the keywords allowing for a better rank..

<meta name="keywords" content="<{php}>$pg_title = $this->_tpl_vars['xoops_pagetitle'].','.$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_sitename'];
$pg_title = str_replace(' ',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('-',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('|',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(':',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('=',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('&',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(')','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('(','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('[','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(']','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('{','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('}','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('and',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('the',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(',,',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(',,',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(',,',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title;<{/php}>,<{$xoops_meta_keywords}>" />

isn't smarty great you can alter one file and have your site wide a keyword spread that offer better ranking as all the keywords of the title of the page come first.

There you go

Later Yall!!
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Link Anchorage for better SEO Scores - SEO Tip #1

I been getting a few good reviews over some of my articles so I thought I would post a comment on link anchorage. There has been alot on anchoring links and text in those SEO emails you get spamed when using a submit tool for your site, personally i would recommend www.ineedhits.com they are one of the oldest SEO companies in the world, and true blue aussie.

Anyway what is anchorage. See when search engine find a
<a href="http://www.chronolabs.org.au/">
tag on your site it will look to find some anchoring that is the name tag.

This gets cross referenced with your meta keywords and if any correlation is found in their comparison language matrix, it gives the link a higher score, then if the link to place has another correlating keyword match, which may not even be something you have listed, it is just a similar search term then you have a higher rank

For example the anchorage for the link i have just shown you would be like
<a href="http://www.chronolabs.org.au/" name="Chronolabs Australia">

To alter your smart templates to support this is quiet easy if you have for example a title of the page or a component of the title of the page


<a href="<{$array.link}>"><{$array.title}></a>

would read:

<a href="<{$array.link}>" name="<{$array.title}>"><{$array.title}></a>

Thats all there is to optimizing XOOPS for a better SEO Score, there are a couple of other factorial, but that will give you a better chance to getting a nice rank..

But it doesn't stop there either, you will have to anchor some text on the links path this is simple an a tag with a name no href associated with it, you may have to set a class to stop hover text..

For example in the modified version of catads I have used at Sydney Escort Lounge [size=xx-small](Warning Adult 18+)[/size] I have altered the smarty templates so there are no drill down HTML links which will lower your score as well as added list boxes with some ajax to replace these.

But not just stopping there, I have anchored my description in both the item page and index. This is for keyword referencing.

For example on the index (not completed) it would be a bit like.


a href="http://www.sydney-escort-lounge.info/modules/escortsads/adsitem.php?ads_id=30" name="Sexy Judd">

class="anchor" name="Sexy Judd">Hi my name is Juddsinglehotromanticsexystrong and thickI am ready to make you feel warm spoiled just for your satisfactionI am also available for travel to any part of the worldMy endowment is 7 inches and guaranteed to satisfy your lust</a>

then on the item page the main content the anchor is repeated.

class="anchor" name="Sexy Judd">[..main text or table..]</a>

I can also recommend using ineedhits submissions services, they have the exterrestrial embassy in #1 for that keyword, I only used the google g-boost for that..
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Re: backend.php is good but what about a sitemap.php?

btw. Script_Fu, that extra content you find in google is added by google staff, you cannot purchase it and it cannot be added.. They put it in when they feel the requirements are met..

But having a sitemap is part of the requirements.
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